
4th grade

Mar 15-26

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4th Graders Spanish Routine --->

Make a routine when you start with your Spanish Lesson

  1. Watch the video for the week.

  2. Do the Signal of the Cross in Spanish and pray Hail Mary in Spanish.

  3. Watch my lesson below video and practice vocabulary for fluency.

  4. Work on the activities assign for the week.

  5. Don't forget to fill out the Form when you finish the lesson.


Sign of the Cross / La Señal de la Cruz

En el nombre del Padre, del Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo,


Hail Mary / Ave María

Dios te salve, María, llena eres de gracia, el Seńor es contigo.

Bendita tú eres entre todas las mujeres, y bendito es el fruto de tu vientre, Jesús.

Santa María, Madre de Dios,

ruega por nosotros, pecadores,

ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte.



I can read, write conjugations of "to be" verb in Spanish.

What are we learning?

Personal Pronouns/Pronombres Personales and verb "to be" in Spanish.

Unlike English, Spanish has two forms of the verb to be. To Be is the verb that let us say that "he is tall " "I am pretty" The two forms of "to be" in Spanish are SER and ESTAR. We will working on the form SER.

You will use words from SER when you talking about permanent personalities or characteristics.

Maria is inteligente./Maria is intelligent.

I am very tall./I am tall.

Nosotros somos amigos/We are friends.

Watch the video and then practice singular form.


(Yo) soy I am

(Tu) eres you are

(el/ ella/usted)es he is/she is you formal are


Yo soy estudiante. I am a student.

Tu eres inteligente. You are intelligent.

El es alto. He is alto.

Ella es bonita. She is beautiful

Usted es bajo. You are short.


(nosotros) somos

ellas/ellos/ustedes) son