
1ST grade

May 18-22

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1st Graders Spanish Routine --->

Make a routine when you begin with your Spanish Lesson

  1. Do the Signal of the Cross in Spanish.

  2. Watch any video that you want below to review a topic.

  3. Watch Mrs. Ira's lesson if there is any for the week.

  4. Work on the activities assign for the week.

  5. Fill out the form when you finish the lesson.


Sign of the Cross / La Señal de la Cruz

En el nombre del Padre, del Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo,



I can act it out the command run, jump, eat, throw when I hear in Spanish.

I can say at least two Commands in Spanish.


Make sure to check-in all the I can statements from last week, before doing the new lesson.

Please parent practice with your child the commands in Spanish. You can read them one by one, so your child can act it out. Then you can act it out and your kid can say the word. If is too hard, give them two options to choose from. Read them again and your child should repeat it. Do not worried for the pronunciation.

Example: es corre o es para

run or stop


ACCIONES WRITE THE WORD 1st Grade May 11.docx

Write each word in Spanish. Print it if possible

Acciones Kindergarten & 1st Grade.pptx

Watch PowerPoint again. (Practice)

Watch Me gustan todas las frutas. "I love all the fruits"

Sing along