1st Graders Spanish Routine --->
Make a routine when you begin with your Spanish Lesson
Do the Signal of the Cross in Spanish.
Watch a video or PowerPoint if there is any required for the week..
Practice vocabulary for fluency.
Work on the activities assign for the week.
Fill out the form when you finish the lesson.
Prayer: Sign of the Cross
La Señal de la Cruz
En el nombre del Padre, del Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo,
Click Links to watch Videos
Prayer: Sign of the Cross
La Señal de la Cruz
En el nombre del Padre, del Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo,
I can Statements
I can say or point out 6 fruits in Spanish.
I can say the color of each fruit in Spanish.
The students could not finish the fruit basket because of the Holidays. Check the folder that your child took home and finish it. Please bring to school on January 11th.
Color each fruit, cut them and paste them on the basket.
Below is another bowl to work on in case you can't find the other one in the folder.
Print it is possible.