3rd Graders Spanish Routine --->
Make a routine when your start with your Spanish Lesson
Review vocabulary.
Do the Signal of the Cross in Spanish and pray Glory Be to the Father.
Watch my lesson or video and practice vocabulary for fluency.
Work on the activities assign for the week.
Don't forget to fill out the Form when you finish the lesson.
Sign of the Cross / La Señal de la Cruz
En el nombre del Padre, del Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo,
Glory be to the Father
Gloria al Padre
Gloria al Padre, y al Hijo y al Espíritu Santo, como en un principio, ahora y siempre por los siglos de los siglos
I can statement
What should I know at the end of this lesson?
I can say what day is today in Spanish?
I can tell what month we are in?
Start with the Spanish Routine (Pray in Spanish Glory be to the Father).
Continue practicing vocabulary for days of the weeks, months and numbers.
This week we will working on specific words:
¿Que día es hoy? What day is today?
¿Que día fue ayer?
¿Que día sera mañana?
Write each question in Spanish?
Practice say it out loud.
Answer the question. Say it out loud.
The following we will work on the following words:
Singular Plural
week/semana semanas
month/mes meses
year/año años
Check up next week for any updates.
Send your homework by email to iradelmoral@saintvdp.org
Los Numeros