2nd Graders Spanish Routine --->
Make a routine when you start with your Spanish Lesson
Watch the video or PowerPoint if there is any required for the week..
Do the Signal of the Cross and pray Glory Be to the Father in Spanish.
Practice vocabulary for fluency.
Work on the activities assign for the week.
Don't forget to fill out the Form when you finish the lesson.
Sign of the Cross / La Señal de la Cruz
En el nombre del Padre, del Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo,
Glory be to the Father
Gloria al Padre
Gloria al Padre, y al Hijo y al Espíritu Santo, como en un principio, ahora y siempre por los siglos de los siglos
I can Statement
I can identify 8 colors in Spanish.
I can read and say the colors in Spanish.
I can write six colors and Spanish.
We still are working on colors, so if you are a distance learning student, you will need to focus on practice colors. Try to look for items around your house and say the color for each one. If you have to think to say the color in Spanish, you need more practice.
Use the chart below to make flashcards. Write the Spanish color on the back or use the words provide it. Then, Quiz yourself