
5th grade


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5th Grade Spanish Routine --->

  1. Watch the "Commands" video or any other video that you want to practice

  2. Do the Signal of the Cross in Spanish and pray Hail Mary.

  3. Watch my lesson below video and practice vocabulary for fluency.

  4. Work on the activities assign for the week.

  5. Continue to the lesson.

  6. When you finish the lesson go to the 5th Grade Main Page to fill the form.



I can give at least 6 commands to my family (busca, sientate, escribe, levanta.)

I can name 6 objects in my house such as lápiz, mesa, papel, silla.

I can say a sentence combining a command with an object for example; levanta el marcador

I can identify Spanish-speaking countries on the map

Watch the VIDEO about classroom objects and Commands on the video's section.

Do the talk: your activity is to ask any family member to do what you say, even if they don't know or they don't understand you. Your work is to teach them the commands. (you do it with actions).

The commands that are you going to teach are: levantate/stand up, sientate/sit down, mira/look, escribe/write, escucha/listen, pon/out, levanta la mano/raise yor hand. In order to teach these commands, you need to talk.

Then ask anyone at your house to read these command for you, and then you do it.

  1. levanta el papel

  2. pon el lápiz en la mesa.

  3. mira la television

  4. escucha la musica

  5. busca el papel

  6. escribe con el lapiz "hola"

  7. levantate de la silla

  8. sientate en la silla






Practice Classroom Commands in this video. There are a few new words.

Classroom Objects Pronunciation. Listen and repeat.


Sign of the Cross

La Señal de la Cruz

En el nombre del Padre, del Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo,


Our Father

Padre Nuestro

Padre nuestro, que estas en el cielo santificado sea tu nombre, venga a nosotros tu reino, hagase tu voluntad, en la tierra como en el cielo, danos hoy nuestro pan de cada dia, perdona nuestras ofensas como tambien nosotros perdonamos a quien nos ofende, no nos dejes caer en la tentacion y libranos del mal. Amen